2021 Greens Festival

Refugee Dinner-Sunday, October 29th

This past Sunday FPCU hosted 11 members of two Afghan immigrant families for dinner and camaraderie. About 25 of our Church folks set up and decorated the hall, cooked some really wonderful food and then waited in slightly anxious anticipation for the families to arrive. We all wondered how we would be able to communicate with these guests, many of whom spoke little or no English and all of whom had lived lives in a far-away place, so different from our own. There was no need for concern! Those with better English skills translated for the others; and it turns out everyone can talk about and make themselves understood when it comes to family, culture and food! In a day and age when we are constantly bombarded with angst producing news, this night of cooperation, friendship and unexpected rapport was truly a bright spot. We will be doing it again, hope you can join us next time!