Review and Sign Our Letter

Representative Jim Arciero
Senator Edward Kennedy

The undersigned members of First Parish Church United in Westford, through our Action for Social Justice Committee, urge you to support and affirmatively advocate for the following bills:

H.3573 and S.1401
An Act to Protect the Civil Rights and Safety of All MA Residents (otherwise known as the Safe Communities Act). Residents who are not in fear of being deported or turned over to ICE are much more likely to cooperate with police and other officials in creating and maintaining safe, thriving communities.

H.2139 and S.740
An Act Providing Access to Higher Education for High School Graduates in the Commonwealth (allowing for equal access to in-state tuition and state financial aid for those attending and graduating from Massachusetts high schools regardless of citizenship). The difference between in-state tuition and out of state tuition is insurmountable for students of modest means especially when coupled with an inability to secure any financial aid. We all lose when residents, lacking a college education, are unable to support themselves, and we all benefit from an educated, employable population.

H.3012 and S2061
Work and Family Mobility Act (allowing all residents of the Commonwealth to secure a driver’s license after passing the standard tests, regardless of citizenship). It makes no sense for the Commonwealth to deny drivers’ licenses to undocumented individuals. Driving is essential in today’s society and by refusing to allow non-citizens to secure a license we are losing our ability to insure that they receive the proper training and testing, and that they have the ability to support themselves and their families.

It is our firm belief that these bills will only work to the benefit of all Massachusetts residents. In addition, we strongly support the equal justice and equal opportunity that these bills bring to many people who, though they may be undocumented, presently live in our Commonwealth, participate in our way of life and contribute in countless ways to the successful functioning of our society.

We hope this letter will convince you of the importance of these items and allow you to advocate for your colleagues to move them to the front burner, because passage of these bills is right, just and beneficial to all.

Thank you for your service to our community and to the Commonwealth.

Yours truly,

Members of First Parish Church United
Westford, MA

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