Annual Events
Much of the excitement of First Parish Church occurs during special events and activities that bring us all together for both work and fun. We try to include all ages from children through seniors, in most of our activities. Our most popular gathering occurs every Sunday morning at Coffee & Conversation, which follows the worship service.
Our major fundraisers — the Apple Blossom Pancake Breakfast, the Strawberries ‘n Art Festival, the Annual Yard Sale and the Greens Sale — are times of high energy, lots of fun, and socializing together. Various Family Fellowship Events are also a part of our year, providing social events for young and old alike. A typical church year also includes several social gatherings specifically for the young people.
The Spring Flower Sale
The Spring Flower Sale was once again offering colorful potted Spring Bulbs and Annuals to celebrate the upcoming holidays and spring’s arrival. Thank you for your thoughtful participation.
Decorations & Adornments Committee
Elana S., Betsy O., JoAnna S., , Mary L., Ruth C., Julie W. and Patty D.
The Strawberries ‘n Art Festival
The Strawberries ‘n Art Festival attracts arts, crafts and strawberry shortcake lovers from throughout the area. It’s held on the scenic Westford Common and offers excellent shopping, a great lunch and the best strawberry shortcake around. Volunteer at the barbeque area, enjoy selling plants at the garden table, or help with face painting. It’s lots of fun and it’s almost always a beautiful spring day.
Visit the Strawberries ‘n Art Festival Website
The Greens Sale
Christmas is a great time of year at First Parish and one of the best occasions is the annual Greens Sale. Walk into the Fellowship Hall and the Christmas experience engulfs you. The wonderful scent of fresh greens, the beautiful bows, plants, greens and ornaments all contribute to getting you in the spirit. Volunteers can learn the art of bow making, help paint the annual wooden ornaments, or join the middle and high school youth for an evening gathering to organize the greens and eat pizza!
Visit the Greens Festival page for more information.