Who We Are
First Parish Church United is an energetic church involved in a variety of outreach, fundraising and fellowship activities.We are centrally located on the Westford town common next to the library and our church is actively involved in the community life of the town including the Strawberry Festival, Apple Blossom Parade, and as host to many community groups who use our space for meetings and events.
Please join us for Sunday Worship
Worship services are at 10:30 am in the sanctuary.
Live stream is available for Worship from Sept-June– contact the church office to get the link.
All Are Welcome Here
Whether you are weary or excited. Whether you are full of doubt, or brimming with belief. Whether you’ve attended a house of worship your whole life, or never stepped foot in one. At First Parish we journey together, reminding each other no matter where we are on the journey of life, or what we may or may not believe in, we are not alone. Come share in the journey with us!